Sunday, November 13, 2011


The path to nature
Well folks, it has been a mighty long time since I stepped out into the sun. Literally, it has been weeks. My husband was wondering if I would bite his neck in a ravenous effort to quench my thirst, scream "ah, the light" if dragged outside or spontaneously combust if exposed to direct sunlight. None of these happened. Well, at least none I will share with you.

So, we traveled to Chapel Trail Nature Preserve in the beautiful City of Pembroke Pines. We walked, we sunned and I breathed in hot, humid air. It was delicious. For those of you with difficulty believing I stepped outside, know this...I have pictures to prove it. 

Seen on our nature walk: birds, turtles, ducks, fish, calves, cows, bulls, tourists, snakes, alligators, sharks, werewolves....okay, everything but the tourists. Let's not be ridiculous. They are all on South Beach.

If you are wondering if my alabaster skin survived, it did. Back to the cat cave I can blog about that big yellow ball of fire in the sky.

Boat by the shore
Bovine neighbors
Splash of red on a sea of green
Looking down from the dock
Pine against the clouds
Small insect nest on twig
Winter trees in water
Reeds and water plants
Eastern sky as sunset approaches
Purple heart
Ducks on a pond
Turtle under lilies
Plant life under water
Palmetto branches
Sky reflected on still water
Ripples in the sun